A Celt-X student running the Tormach mill. For more images, visit the 2019 Gallery.
2019 was our first foray into advanced manufacturing in our own shop. Students were CAMing and running the more advanced shop machines, such as the mill.
This year, we switched from paper scouting to a scouting app. It was an extremely successful venture — our scouting app allowed us to gather and process data in an easily customizable way with a rapid turnaround from data input to analysis. This enabled our strategy team to have access to an abundance of current data on demand, which facilitated data driven decision making. Additionally, this greatly improved our team's view of scouting as the process was more engaging and the utility of the data was evident throughout a competition instead of just when making a picklist.
Our custom app is designed to be cross-platform, however, thus far, we have used it exclusively on Amazon Fire tablets. Data from each tablet is transferred to our scouting laptop via Bluetooth and then uploaded to our server via a cellular connection. We were able to successfully use this to scout multiple events and even to collaborate with other teams on gathering match data.
This year, we had the lofty goal of making it to the Einstein field. Here's what we learned from past years in order to help us get there: